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Travel fan

Travel fan

Price from 590 KR

Price example: incl. VAT per day 

3 days - ISK 740

One week - ISK 390

Two weeks - ISK 290 

21 days - ISK 250

28 days - ISK 210

Powerful and good fan for hot weather. With built-in light.

There are three settings for the fan and light.

What comes with the fan :

- Charger

- Bag for the fan


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Download and return

Products are delivered on the start date of the rental. They are delivered at Grenidal 2A, 260 Reykjanesbær. You can contact us at 771-3866.

If you chose home delivery, the product will be delivered on the start day of the rental between 12:00 and 20:00. We will send an email a day before with a more detailed schedule.